2024 Annual Award Winners

Each year, the Wisconsin Horse Council presents awards for the Horseperson of the Year, Judge of the Year and the WHC Director of the Year. In some years, there is also a Legislator of the Year. 2008 was the first year that nominations were accepted for the Special Achievement Award and Lifetime Achievement Award, and new in 2016, Equine of the Year was added.

Recipients of the Horseperson, Special Achievement Award and Lifetime Achievement Award are nominated by the public and voted on by the WHC Board of Directors. The WHC Director of the Year and Legislator of the Year are nominated and voted on by the Board of Directors. The Judge of the Year is an annual award given by the Wisconsin Horse Council and is based on a person’s contributions to Wisconsin’s equine industry as a judge.  The winner is chosen by past, active Judges of the Year. The Equine of the Year candidates are submitted by members in each district to their District President and appointed district members chose a winner. The winner from each district is then sent to the WHC Board of Directors and a final WHC Equine of the Year is chosen.

Please join us in applauding these people and horse for the contributions they have made to our equine industry in Wisconsin.

Do you know someone who deserves to be nominated for recognition for their work in our equine industry?  Check out the WHC Awards Program on our web site www.wisconsinhorsecouncil.org.



WHC Director of the Year - Kricket Jewett

The Wisconsin Horse Council would like to take this opportunity to recognize Kricket Jewett as the Director of the Year award recipient. Kricket is a lifetime horseperson and a long-time member of the Walking Horse Association. Kricket is the chairperson of the Sponsorship Committee, co-chair of the Trails Committee, and represents equestrians on the Wisconsin State Trails Council.

Kricket is well organized and puts a large amount of time and effort into dealing with Equestrian issues throughout the state of Wisconsin while working with other committees.

The Wisconsin Horse Council would like to congratulate you on being the 2024 Director of the Year recipient!


WHC Lifetime Achievement Award - Lee Sackett

Lee Sackett has been involved with the horse world for more than 50 years. Lee started his horse life growing up in California and then on to Idaho. As a truck driver in the early nineties, he found himself in Wisconsin where he met his future wife, Diane. Their common interest brought them together and he started riding and training horses again.

Lee has been involved in many equine groups and activities including being a WHC Judge, conducting 4H clinics, member of several local horse associations, MWHF board for several years, involved in WHC for nearly 30 years as president and on many committees. He has been a delegate to the American Horse Council for about twenty years as well. The list goes on and on.

Congratulations to Lee Sackett as the 2024 recipient of the WHC Lifetime Achievement Award!


WHC Equine of the Year - Artifacts Gallant Ghost (Gallio) owned by Jessica Jo Gorman

How does one begin to explain the impact an equine can have on a person's life. Artifacts Gallant Ghost, better known as Gallio is the perfect example of that. The Gorman's daughter Jessica has Paraventricular Leukomalacia which impacts motor skills and speech.  The Gorman family had heard what an impact horses have on those with disabilities, so they felt the need to find Jessica that perfect horse. Stacey Gorman best describes Gallio as a 16.3 hand solid Paint with quite the attitude.

Gallio has been the main reason for Jessica's major improvement in motor skills and speech. They have been on cattle drives, trail rides, and show at open pleasure shows with much success. Jessica and Gallio also show in Dressage and train under Jessica Baumler. The Gorman family feel that Gallio has provided growth and accomplishments that they never imagined were possible.

Congratulations to Jessica Gorman and Artifacts Gallant Ghost the 2024 Equine of the Year Award recipient.


WHC Horseperson of the Year - Karen Klein

Karen Klein has dedicated her life to the horse world in many ways. She is a board member of the Friends of Hartman Creek. Karen is actively involved in monitoring the trails, so they are safe, working with the park to increase the number of trails and ensure conservation of the land. She also worked with the Wisconsin Horse Council to receive a grant for additions to the park including safer mounting blocks.

Karen has been a long-time owner of Fjord horses. She shares her knowledge of the Fjords and other breeds with others. She can be seen often riding the trails on her trusty Fjord, Sander.

The Wisconsin Horse Council would like to congratulate Karen Klein as the 2024 Horse Person of the Year recipient. Congratulations Karen!


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Announcements and Notices


The WHC Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. However, the WHC Office will close at 10 a.m. on 11/27/24, and be closed on 11/28/24 and 11/29/24 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you!

WHC Calendar of Upcoming Events

Want to know what equine related events and activities are going on in your area? Please click on the heading above to access a list of up-coming events and a form that you can complete and send to us to have your equine related activity added to this new calendar!

WHC Classified Ads

Exclusively for Wisconsin Horse Council members........

We are offering FREE classified ads on our website and in the newsletter!

Legal Transportation of Horses Across State Lines

WHC would like to share this important information with you courtesy of TheHorse.com. Please click here to access this excellent article.

Attention All WHC Members

Important information for all WHC Members! Please click below to read the details.

Great News for WHC Members!

Did you know that if you are a member of the Wisconsin Horse Council (WHC), you are also eligible for the American Horse Council's (AHC) Advantage Plan?


Business Card Advertisements

Wisconsin Horse Council | P.O. Box 72 | 121 S. Ludington St. | Columbus, WI 53925
Monday-Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Phone: 920-623-0393 | E-mail: info@wisconsinhorsecouncil.org | Form login